FAQ: 123 DUI Online’s Frequently Asked Questions
If you have recently been convicted for driving under the influence, refer to this page for any questions you have be enrolling in your Nevada Online DUI school
Our course’s FAQ page answers our most frequently asked questions for NV court required education
Below are our most frequently asked questions, if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email. Our goal at 123 DUI Online is to provide education and resources for anyone who needs it.
123 DUI Online contains information on alcohol addiction, Nevada Court information, required DUI paperwork for other government departments part of a drunk driving arrest & court case, and a directory of recommended criminal defense attorneys specializing in DUI cases.
We aim to answer all questions related to a DUI arrest or conviction.
A DUI Victim Impact Panel (VIP) is a requirement DUI Court Judges in Nevada sentence for drunk driving convicts.
- A DUI Victim Impact Panel (VIP) is a requirement from DUI Court in Nevada first time offenders who have been charged for driving under the influence. The interactive seminar is required for defendants to understand the impact of their actions while operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- A MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) VIP panel is lead by victims of drunk drivers – usually family members of victims who have been killed or injured by drunk drivers. DUI victim impact panels are a tough, but important experience to educate drunk drivers about the costs of others have experienced from similar actions.
- Often described as uncomfortable, an eye opening experience, the seminar gives a new perspective of previously unknown danger driving drunk risks. The purpose of a DUI victim impact panels, which are held in a variety of states, is to help educate people about the risks of driving drunk and how a DUI can ruin lives.
- The stories from the victims give first-hand accounts of how a DUI has affected them and their loved ones as panels usually have multiple stories from fellow people in the defendant’s community who have experienced serious injury or lost a loved one from drunk driving accidents.
- Victim Impact Panels prevent future alcohol related deaths from academic research. It is a way for offenders to understand the damage that they’ve caused or easily could have by their actions. The panel participants contain individuals affected by drunk drivers; such as family members of pedestrians or sober drivers hit by a drunk driver, whose lives changed permanently.
- Nevada VIP’s educate the risks of driving drunk with personal stories from real victims of drunk driving accidents. The victim impact panels are typically made up of family members of people who have been killed in drunk driving accidents, law enforcement officials, and medical personnel who have treated accident victims.
DUI School cost between $99-$225 in Nevada
Price is based on the company teaching the class
A 1st DUI conviction mandates alcohol education
All NV Court Drunk driving courses must be DMV Licensed
123 DUI Online is the lowest priced online alcohol class that costs $99
We offer a variety of online DUI classes that are Court approved in Nevada. Through our school, you can complete your 8 hour Nevada DUI Class without ever leaving your home!
In addition, we’re one of the few Court ed institutions in Nevada whose software provides a convenient way to access your course on any internet device! You can access the course anywhere you have a data or internet connection – including your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Complete our online DMV DUI counseling & MADD VIP class 24/7.
Level 2 classes are $225 for second offense drunk driving convictions
Lvl 2 DUI Class cost $500 for some schools however. Researching different instructors and Court licensed alcohol counseling institutions is the only surefire way of guaranteeing you’ll pay the best possible price. Through our Court alcohol education, you’ll know the full number of hours required spent in class will meet all State & Judge requirements. Complete your second offense DUI Class at 123 DUI Online without ever leaving your home! Your online access is 24/7 – start and finish the class on your phone your own schedule.
computer is your instructor and when you ask if there is a DUI school near me? The answer is always yes – right in your pocket from your phone.

Q: Can I Finish DUI School Before Court?
A: Yes. Any DUI Court defendant can complete the required Lvl 1 DUI Class, online or in-person before their Nevada Criminal Justice Court date, so long as the Alcohol Education School Is Licensed By The DMV.
Responding To 123 DUI Online’s Questions; 4 out of 5 Criminal Defence Attorneys Who Specialize In First Offense Drunk Driving Arrests Confirmed They Recommend Their Clients Complete A Required DUI School Before Court Sentencing
These Actions Display Defendants GoodWill & Effort Towards Their Presiding Drug & Alcohol Court Judge By Preemptively Showing Behavior They Plan On Not Returning To The Legal System For Any Alcohol Arrest Related Offences.
Shown To Attendance Can Be Online Or In-Person Before Students Or Their Attorneys’ Appear For Their Court Sentencing Date If Their Alcohol Education Program Record Shows They’ve Fully Acted To Finish DUI School Before Court Which Is Shown On Their Completed DUI Class Certificate Of Completion.
Read More Our In Depth Expansion On Why The Pre Trial Action To Finish DUI School Before Court Is Beneficial Below
DMV Licensed: #DUI000047688 Drunk Driving Programs
Nevada Judges Will Not Accept Certificates Of Completion From Any Online DUI School Not Approved By The NV DMV. Be Sure To Verify The Course’s License # is Active As Multiple Businesses Operate By Selling Court Required Education With Their Terms Of Service Fine Print StatingThe Student Is Responsible For Verifying The Unlicensed DUI Class Will Be Accepted By Their Judge
Early enrollment shows goodwill and initiative in your criminal defense court case you are actively taking measures to improve your understand of the laws broken, in addition to demonstration your initiative to change possible risks of behavior that could potentially lead to recidivism in the future, demonstrating to the court you are taking measures to improve your situation. Defense attorneys generally recommended DUI class attendance & completion before their Court sentencing for their clients.
It is actually highly recommended to complete DUI Class before sentencing. This behavior shows initiative to demonstration your are actively improving your personal understanding of alcohol’s effects on yourself and others – be it addiction, unawareness of illegal intoxication or the likelihood of causing permanent changes to the lives of any connected to a DUI related accident.
This can possibly contribute as a factor to your Judge’s decision of providing a more favorable sentence. However, this is anecdotal evidence, as each Drunk Driving Court Case in Nevada is vastly different as dozens of variables and factors affect any Lvl 1 DUI defendant’s end result in their court of jurisdiction. This is not legal advice, which should always be followed only by your lawyer representing you.
Ultimately the main goal of justice & municipal judges is prevention of further intoxicated driving defendants and recidivism. All positive effort is positive behavior demonstrating a motivation for change.
With Covid-19’s public health risk, online course attendance is encouraged by judicial courts for DUI & VIP (Victim Impact Panel) attendance. Your course completion date has no relevance to your date of sentencing, provided it is after the initial arrest.
NRS 484C Court may assign offender to program; duties of court; notices required to offender and Department of Motor Vehicles; eligibility for restricted driver’s license; regulations.
- A court assigns an offender found guilty of a drunk driving to the program referenced above for a specified period of 8 hours.
- If the court assigns an offender to the program who is found guilty that is punishable pursuant to the court:
- Shall immediately sentence the offender and enter judgment accordingly.
- If the court assigns an offender to the program who is found guilty the court:
- Shall order the offender to participate in the program.
123 DUI Online offers 100% refund guarantee for any DUI conviction not requiring Level 1 DUI education for our student’s financial security
Begin your Nevada Level 1 DUI School immediately by clicking the link below to enroll
Online DUI School by 123DUIOnline is available to be taken on any Smartphone, Tablet or Computer. Your Nevada alcohol class can be completed on any device of your choosing: whether it’s your personal home computer at home, a smartphone on the go or even on a tablet after work.. Your Nevada alcohol class can be completed on any device of your choosing: whether it’s your personal home computer at home, a smartphone on the go or even on a tablet after work.
Additionally, we provide accessible completion convenient and let’s you take your time to complete the course at your own pace. After finishing your NV Court Alcohol education, download or print your certificate of of completion immediately. 123 DUI Online also provides a free faxing service on our website to send your legal documentation to your criminal defense attorney, Nevada DUI Court staff or any other organizations requesting proof of course graduation.
Click here to learn more about our document faxing
Apple Pay & Google Pay is now available to purchase your DUI class. Simply access our website on Safari or Google Chrome for the mobile pay feature to appear.
If you don’t do your DUI class after a Nevada Court orders you to attend alcohol education school can result in a law enforcement officer arresting you at any given time. Failing to complete the required level 1 drunk driving course or provide proof of completion within the allotted time provided by your Judge will cause a warrant will be issued in your name for failure to comply with Court Orders.
Other possible penalties for failing to complete a DUI School could include a fine, community service, and/or jail time. It is recommended that you speak with an attorney if you have been ordered to attend a DUI School and you are unsure of how to go about completing the requirements.
Yes. 123 DUI Online is court accepted and licensed state wide by the Nevada DMV. This DUI course is accepted by every Nevada DUI Court.
Please be certain your DUI school is DMV licensed our your Judge will not accept your completion certificate. Click the link below of our license number to see verification 123 DUI Online is accepted in Nevada.
Additionally other states often allow online DUI classes from other states to be submitted if no other options are available. We have sent proof of DUI school completion to over two dozen states in the USA, from Florida to Arizona to Alaska. Be sure to consult your attorney if your have no received a DUI in Nevada first.
DMV Licensed #DUI000045670
You don’t have to complete your DUI school in one session. A DUI course is divided into multiple sections, that can be taken at your own pace.
With NV DMV regulations of licensed Level 1 Drunk Driving School, student progress is recorded down to the second. In case you only have 15 minutes available for attending your course, that time is recorded.
Once enrolled in 123 DUI Online, students may complete their 8 hours DUI class in one sitting or in smaller increments throughout their 90 day period of Court sentencing to provide proof of completion. Once finished, simply print or fax your documentation to your NV DUI Court and all requirements are met.
Certificates of completion are available immediately upon completion of the course for download and printing. We also mail you, your attorney and the court a hard copy free of charge upon request.
123 DUI Online offers a free online faxing service for all students DUI school certificates of completion. Simply upload the downloadable files available upon finishing the class, go to our Legal Document Faxing Page and enter the fax number of your attorney or Nevada Court of jurisdiction.
The tool includes contact information listing of each NV justice & municipal court, allowing for simple use of sending required documentation without any effort – always 100% free.
A Nevada VIP or Victim Impact Panel is a mandatory education session that convicted DUI students attend. The VIP demonstrates the horrors and loss that drunk driving and alcohol abuse can cause.
While sometimes required to be taken in person, Covid-19 moved Nevada DUI Judges to allow online attendance. The VIP is a court ordered program.
If you do not take the VIP, you will fail to meet your DUI Court sentencing requirements. 123 DUI Online includes a free MADD licensed VIP in our Alcohol Class or available independently for enrollment, with completion accepted by every Court in the USA.
level 1 DUI schools are 8 hours long, as required by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in which each minute of attendance is accounted for. This allows for more flexibility in completing the class, with students allowed to complete their education at their own pace.
Students are required to complete an alcohol education class within 90 days of being charged with a DUI. Certificates of completion are provided to the court to satisfy this requirement, which are available for free upon completion of 123 DUI Online’s alcohol education course.
Only licensed providers are authorized to offer these classes in Nevada. Online DUI classes are accepted in Nevada and meet the requirements set by the DMV and Court upon a 1st offense DUI or reckless driving conviction.